
Mr. GUAN Qinchuan
Secretary of the CPC Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering(FGEE) Committee

Dr. Lutz Pluemer
Professor, International Dean of Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering(FGEE), SWJTU

Dr. LIU Guoxiang
Professor, Dean of Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering(FGEE), SWJTU

Dr. XU Juhua
Associate Professor, Deputy Secretary of the CPC FGEE Committee and Vice Dean, SWJTU

Mr. FU Yougang
Deputy Secretary of the CPC FGEE Committee and Secretary of Discipline Inspection Committee

Dr. GONG Zhengjun
Professor,Vice Dean

Dr. Okubo Shuhei
Professor,Vice Dean

Dr. ZHANG Yuchun
Professor,Vice Dean

Dr. ZHAO Xiaoyan
Professor,Vice Dean

Dr. ZHU Zhujun
Professor,Vice Dean